Warrant TO3
Warrants of series TO3
In connection with the rights issue that was completed in May 2023 a total of 48,130,195 warrants of series TO3 were issued. Each warrant of series TO3 entitles the holder the right to subscribe for one (1) new share of series B in the Company.
The warrants of series TO3 are traded with ISIN-code: SE0020181683 and with ticker: CRNO TO3 B.
The proceeds from the warrants of series B, amounting to of a maximum of approximately SEK 77 million, are intended to be allocated for the following purposes:
- Finalize the Phase II study in PAH with drug candidate CS1.
- Execute the Expanded Access Program (“Compassionate Use”) for CS1.
- Initiate preparatory activities for a pivotal Phase III study with the drug candidate CS1.
- Conduct a clinical Phase I study with drug candidate CS014.
- Complete the pre-clinical development and preparation activities required to apply to initiate a clinical Phase I study with the drug candidate CS585.
Summary of the terms
Exercise period: March 5, 2024 – March 19, 2024.
Last day for trading in the warrant series TO3: March 14, 2024.
Subscription price: The subscription price for subscribing to shares with the support of the warrants of series TO3 amounts to seventy (70) percent of the volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of the Company's share of series B during the period from and including February 19, 2024, up to and including March 1, 2024, but not less than the share’s quota value (SEK 0.10) and not more than SEK 1.60 per share.
Issue size: If all the warrants are exercised, 48,130,195 shares of series B are issued, and the Company will receive approximately SEK 77 million before issuing costs.
26 March 2025
Appendix - Terms & Conditions TO3
26 March 2025
Anmälningssedel TO3
Rights issue April 2023
Rights issue
The Board of Directors of Cereno Scientific resolved on April 20, 2023, to carry out a rights issue with preferential rights for existing shareholders.
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26 March 2025
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26 March 2025
26 March 2025
Warrant TO2
Warrants of series TO2
In connection to the directed issue that was completed in September 2020 a total of 34,519,281 warrants of series TO2 was issued.
Each warrant of series TO2 will give the holder the right to subscribe for one new share of series B in Cereno during the period from 14 September 2022 until and including 28 September 2022 to a subscription price corresponding to the following:
70 percent of the volume weighted average price of the Company’s share during the period from 29 August 2022 until and including 12 September 2022. The subscription price shall however never be determined to an amount below the quotation value of the Company’s share or to a higher amount than SEK 3.33.
Warrants of series TO2 will, upon full exercise, provide the Company a maximum of approximately SEK 114.8 million before issue costs, based on the maximum subscription price. The actual issue amount will naturally depend upon the final subscription price.
Note that warrants that have not been sold no later than 26 September 2022 or alternatively used for subscription for new shares no later than 28 September 2022 will become void. For your warrants not to become void you need to actively use them for subscription to new shares or sell them.
26 March 2025
Bilaga C - Optionsvillkor TO2
26 March 2025
Anmälningssedel TO2
Warrant TO1
Warrants of series TO1
In connection to the directed issue that was completed in September 2020 a total of 34,519,281 warrants of series TO1 was issued.
The subscription period for exercise of the warrants of series TO1 took place from September 15, 2021, up to and including September 29, 2021. The subscription price per share for exercising the warrants of series TO1 was set to SEK 2.85.
In total, 33,442,470 warrants of series TO1 were exercised for subscription of 33,442,470 shares of series B, meaning that approximately 96.9 percent of all outstanding warrants of series TO1 were exercised for subscription of shares.
“It is very rewarding to see the high subscription rate that was achieved. The successful share issue shows that the shareholders have a lot of confidence in Cereno, which may be due to a combination of all the important milestones that were achieved during the past twelve months and the big potential ahead which could be realized from the Company’s development as we move forward with our promising programs”, says Sten Sörensen, CEO of Cereno Scientific. “We are currently working at full speed with implementing our clinical phase II study with CS1 in pulmonary arterial hypertension and there is also a lot of activity in our two preclinical programs which are being pursued in collaboration with University of Michigan. The capital that we are now receiving makes it possible to run these development programs with full force and allows us to continue to build Cereno’s technological platform which has the potential to offer better treatments for common and rare cardiovascular diseases, where there are large unmet needs”.
26 March 2025
Bilaga B - Optionsvillkor TO1
26 March 2025
Directed issue Sep 2020
The directed issue was carried out on the basis of the registered issue authorization that the Annual General Meeting of Cereno Scientific AB decided on 10 June 2020.
Short summary:
- The Company has carried out a directed issue of 15,800,000 units. One unit will consist of two (2) shares of series B and two (2) warrants. Of the warrants, one (1) warrant will be of series TO1 and one (1) warrant will be of series TO2.
- The directed issue has been targeted to a limited group of qualified investors.
- Additionally, the Company will issue and allocate two (2) warrants of series TO1 and two (2) warrants of series TO2 respectively to current shareholders for every five (5) shares owned on the applicable record date.
- The subscription price in the directed issue was set to SEK 3.80 per unit, corresponding to SEK 1.90 per share. The warrants are issued and allotted free of charge.
- Through the directed issue, the Company will initially receive approximately SEK 60 million before deduction of transaction costs.
- The Company's Board of Directors has also entered into a loan financing agreement of SEK 10 million with Formue Nord Fokus A/S, whom also will receive warrants of series TO1 and TO2.
Press release09 October 2020
First day of trading in warrants of series TO1 and TO2 has been set for October 14, 2020
Press release02 October 2020
Record date for distribution of warrants of series TO1 and TO2 to current shareholders is set for October 9, 2020
Press release30 September 2020
Cereno Scientific AB completes a directed issue of units of approximately SEK 60 million and issues warrants to current shareholders
Press release29 September 2020
Cereno Scientific AB intends to carry out a directed issue of units and enters into a loan agreement
26 March 2025
Terms and Conditions for Warrants of series TO1
26 March 2025
Terms and Conditions for Warrants of series TO2
Rights issue May 2019
Information is in Swedish only.
Cereno Scientific AB beslutade den 12 april 2019 om en emission av aktier med företrädesrätt för Bolagets befintliga aktieägare.
Anmälningssedlar och annan information om Företrädesemissionen kommer att hållas tillgängligt på Bolagets hemsida,, samt på Mangolds hemsida,, från och med den 23 maj 2019.
Summering av emissionen:
- Cereno Scientific kommer att genomföra en företrädesemission om cirka 55,6 MSEK.
- Bolagets positiva utveckling har sedan förgående år finansierats via ett finansieringsavtal med European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund (EHGOSF). Skuldfinansieringen innebar en flexibel lösning som skapade utrymme för Cereno Scientific att fokusera på kärnverksamheten vilket möjliggjort fortsatt leverans operationella målsättningar.
- Med fullt fokus på den fortsatta utvecklingen av läkemedelskandidaten, CS1, estimerar bolaget att lämna in ansökan för Fas 2-studien under Q2 2019 med start under H1 2020. Parallellt inleds samarbetet med Emeriti Bio avseende den prekliniska utvecklingen av den innovativa substansen CS014, som nyligen förvärvades. Bolaget avser använda nettolikviden från företrädesemissionen i syfte att finansiera nödvändiga förberedelser för att erhålla godkännande från myndigheter att inleda Fas 2-studie, skala upp produktionen och producera CS1 för att användas under studien, efter godkännande initiera Fas 2-studien samt vidareutveckla CS014.
- Varje på avstämningsdagen (21 maj) innehavd aktie (oaktat aktieslag) i Cereno Scientific berättigar till en (1) teckningsrätt. En (1) teckningsrätt berättigar till teckning av en (1) nyemitterad aktie av serie B i Cereno Scientific.
- Teckningskursen är 2,90 SEK per aktie av serie B.
26 March 2025
Publicering av prospekt
26 March 2025
26 March 2025
Handel med teckningsrätter
26 March 2025
17 June 2025
Beräknad likviddag
IPO 2016
Information in Swedish only.
Börsnotering år 2016
Cereno Scientific AB:s (Cereno) nyemission inför notering på AktieTorget avslutades den 19 maj 2016.
Sten R Sörensen, VD i Cereno Scientific, kommenterar: ”I samband med nyemissionen och listningen har vi presenterat bolaget för hundratals potentiella aktieägare. Det är mycket glädjande att så många av dessa har valt att teckna och ytterligare ett antal utöver de som vi presenterat för. Vi uppskattar det förtroende, som vi har fått, och kommer att förvalta det väl. Vi är också stolta över det totala teckningsbeloppet, som visar på ett stort intresse för bolaget”.
Summering av emissionen:
- Emissionen tecknades till närmare 70 MSEK, inklusive teckningsåtagande om 14,3 MSEK. Det motsvarar en överteckning om 300 procent och emissionen tillför bolaget cirka 22 MSEK före emissionsomkostnader som uppgår till cirka 2 MSEK.
- Totalt inkom teckningar från 2700 konton.
- Avräkningsnotor är planerade att skickas ut omkring den 25 maj 2016 till de som tilldelats aktier.
- Preliminär första dag för handel på AktieTorget är den 14 juni 2016, senareläggs till 22 juni 2016.
- Baserat på bemyndigande från årsstämman den 29 januari 2016, beslutade styrelsen den 15 april 2016, att öka Bolagets aktiekapital med högst 294 000 SEK genom en emission av högst 2 940 000 aktier av serie B (”Erbjudandet”). Erbjudandet riktar sig till befintliga aktieägare, allmänheten och professionella investerare.